Tuesday, November 30, 2010

ai she teru orenjii :D

when i look at you my face gets red
when i see you my heart goes thump thump
i talk with shyness like a kid
when i look at you i just smile out of nowhere
like a fool I keep doing that
I think love came to me
You’re the president of my heart
You’re my chests’ star embroider
I’m Genie for you girl
You make me stop breathing
whatever you want
because i love you
There’s no reason for my love you know
you’re a darling
you’re more beautiful than the stars above in the night sky
the shining thing deep inside my heart
my own love light
i love you darling
give me light next to me whenever
every night i look at you
and you’re beautiful even when i look at you
you’re my love light
when i see you i feel like im up on the clouds
it may be immature but i keep doing this
i tihnk love came to me
you’re a darling
you’re more beautiful than the stars above in the night sky
the shining thing deep inside my heart
my very own love light
i love you darling
give me light next to me whenever
every night i look at you
and you’re beautiful even when i look at you
you’re my love light
you’re lovely
you’re mroe blinding than the sunlight up in that sky
you shine the dark places inside my heart
my own love light
i love you lovely
even if i close my eyes i see you
looking at you like this
you’re still blinding even when i see you
you’re my love light

bdk ni lah yg like sgt lagu kt ats tuh!!
love light;p
krn dirimu begitu berhargeeee...ngeeeee

its cute kn????same x ak lukis ngn ori punyer..kui3
even x se cute yg ori tuh..aku iklas dlm menghasilkannyer taw guys!hihi
2 boneka jepun ni(hightt!!!!!!!!!!)1 name orenji..watashi wa orenji..1 ag kiwiy...watashi-wa kiwiy..hehe...bdk kt ats laa kasi patung ni..tomey3 kan..ni dyer bg tym celebrate bufday aku yg ke bape ntah..hihi..love datz japan baby doll damn much!!arigato neyy to orenji...;O
but,asal gurl doll more fatter den boy doll ak lukis..musti ader sumthing wrong nieh!hahah
datz reality orenji memg lg gmuk laa..jgn mara...just kidding la sunshine...:p


  1. <3 u so much..=)
    yeah,like dat song damn3 much..reminds me of you..........<3<3<3

  2. wah comel la nik 2 patung kecik tu ..

  3. haa?kate kte gemuk??die tu bulat...sume bulat..pp bulat..apatah lg pewut!hehek..=p

  4. murni...patung tu comel cm murni;)
    hey gmukk lagi bulat!!huhu;p

  5. hai nick ! !

    cantik nik lukis patung jepun tuh.ade talent gop nih.:)

