Tuesday, November 30, 2010

DYA 323 "da bottom of mY heart"

our friendship is tighter than the spongebob pant!!;P

huhu..ak nk story kt u all sal bdak sengal dya 323 yg ak cygg cangat2 nieh!!hihi..so first camni..aku knl dorg tyme plh kolej..ntah cane first impression aku lam mind ak x ngam la ngn dorg..then i think dorg cam x ley kamcing err ngn ak!ape ag ..ak nk tkar blik arr!!hahahaha
very stupid and dumb right. I'm so spoiled!;p
tp ble ak pk2 balik dari ak tka blik dpt geng yg lagi x best,so bek ak stay jer dat room..mane tau..belum knl make tak cinta(btl x nieh??);p
awwwwww...............at last baru ak knl ngn perangai dorg yang sgt sporting n gile2!memg best ar..korag tau x blik orang laen rumate dorg musti ader yang agk bermasalah kecuali geng blik kteowg taw!balik umah together..g hangout together...memg moment yang sgt2 best n meaningful laa kn..pastu kteowg alwez love to laugh, make funny, hanging out, talking3!!!hihi
korg tau x,ader ker patut dorg kate ak ske bt joke..ak ske bt dorg gelak!hahaha..ak rase 1 sem tu cm 1 week..time flies so fast...nanti kteowg akn berpisah lah..cuz..kteowg len2 cos..ak ac110,dorg om..hm;(but memg dorg akn alwez in my heart,,our sweet memory ni akan ku semat kekal abadi dalam sanubari(chewahhhhhhhhhhh)
friend tiil end yeahhh!!love u all tite2!!
geng kesatria beb:)

boleh pandang2
jangan pegang2
duduk renggang2
bertambah syg..;P
hey!!ap tengok2
cumil sgt kaa??(hihi)
c cantik manis cha n bi~
oloww3...even gmuk (wexxx)
tp cun taw mc yaa nieh!
ske sangt bergayut..;p
jgn maree yaa...huhu(lup u)


  1. aha rindu sma rumate nick .. gila2 .. hahaha
    murni ingt mlm b4 exm math .. bi dgn cha bt lawak pasal disabled child n family .. lwk gile !!

  2. hahahah..yela...smpai blushin ur face gelak..sengal toll!;p
