Tuesday, November 30, 2010

hang out wit ma sweet n tite frenz~HANI BUCUK~

ellowww sumerrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!:)
today was very wonderful day to me.u know??i spent datz eveng wit precious frenz, hani bucuk!!as soon as i arrived there(kt maner yerr)))...hehe...giant..i call her...n we met!!what a excited moment u know...(haha..cm duk oversea lame x jumpe;p)
we decide hanging out at kfc.we exchange n sharing a lot of story by self that comes out from our brilliant brain.yg x thn nyer i think hani dari dulu x berubah ngn childish n hot tempered attitude!!nk tendang orgg jer keje~~hihi
even her attitude cm tuh,,i still love her tau!!!she is the most precious gift from god;D
u always my bes frenz u know!!TOO MUCH!!!!

luv kamoo!!cyg kamoo!!!muaxxxxxxxxxx;)))))
kitew kwn sampai mati kn??
cayang awak...

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